LCA Film Locker #3

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"LCA Panzer Blitz " [pop-up window]
An LCA-organized mass GV assault using vehicles of Wehrmacht Germany: SDkfx 251, Ostwind, Wirbelwind, Panzer IV Ausf H, and Tiger Ausf E. Regrettably, we went in without adequate air support and suffered greatly.
Filmmaker: 96Delta
Mission: Ground Assault
Date: 08/04/2009

"This Kitty Fights Back" [pop-up window]
LCAAF P-40E Kittyhawk in combat with a
German Messerschmitt Bf109G-6.
Filmmaker: 96Delta
Mission: Combat Air Patrol
Date: 07/20/2009

"Bomb'n the Bish!" [pop-up window]
A short film compilation of the LCAAF's dedicated bomber squadron, LCA Thunder.
Filmmaker: Tarstar
Mission: Bombing
Date: 06/23/2009

"LCAAF Combat Operations" [pop-up window]
LCAAF P-51D's in combat against enemy Me-262's and other aircraft.
Filmmaker: Cobra516
Mission: Combat Air Patrol
Date: unknown
Music: "Everlong" (Foo Fighters)

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 Are you good enough to go to Heaven?  Are you sure...? 

Movie Making Links
These are a few of the links and resources that we've found most useful. If you know of others, please let us know!!