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LCA Film Locker

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Mission of the Month Briefing
elcome to the LCA's movie database. Here you'll find various movies created by our members depicting the LCA in action over enemy skies. We hope you enjoy them.

If you're interested in submitting your own movies, just create them in whatever movie editing program you like to use, upload them to YouTube and then pass the link on to 96Delta.

If you'd like to learn more about how to edit your movies, how to create movies within the Aces High Film Editor and how to upload movies, visit the links on the right side of the page for some tips and some tutorials that will help you do just that.

Now get yourself some popcorn sit down in your comfortable chair and watch as the Loose Cannons Alliance goes to war.


  Filmmaker: Cobra516
Mission: Ground Attack
Date: 09/27/2008

Cobra516 and his wingman attack the anti-aircraft at an enemy base and generally make nuisances of themselves!

Software/Equipment Used:
TrackIR 4
• Windows Movie Maker

P-51D Mustang Formation Aerobatics

  Filmmaker: Cobra516
Mission: Aerobatics
Date: 10/01/2008
Music: Cold Play, "Clocks"

Cobra516 and fcMartin treat us to some formation acrobatic flying in this enjoyable video. Both players are using the TrackIR system.

Software/Equipment Used:
TrackIR 4
• Windows Movie Maker

LCA 3rd Fighter Interceptor

  Filmmaker: Cobra516
Mission: Air Supremacy
Date: 10/03/2008
Music: Motley Crue,
"Kickstart My Heart"

The LCA goes into battle to wrest control of the air from our adversaries.

Software/Equipment Used:
TrackIR 4
• Windows Movie Maker

Beware of Falling Objects!

  Filmmaker: 96Delta
Mission: Bomber Escort
Date: 05/18/2008
Music: Richard Wagner,
"Ride of the Valkyries"

96Delta and leprtard experience an 'incident' during a bomber mission during a recent FSO. Whoops!

Software/Equipment Used:
• Windows Movie Maker

View other movies within the Film Locker using the navigation menu at the top.

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© Copyright 2025 • Loose Cannons Alliance [LCA]
 Are you good enough to go to Heaven?  Are you sure...? 

Movie Making Links
These are a few of the links and resources that we've found most useful. If you know of others, please let us know!!