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LCA Operations

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n addition to our regular operations in one of the arenas, the LCA participates in several regularly scheduled 'events'. These include: 'Tuesday Training Night', 'Wednesday Snapshots', 'Thursday Squad Night', 'Friday Squad Operations (FSO)' and 'Missions of the Month [MoM]'. The only event that we expect LCA members to attend as diligently as possible is our weekly squad night.

Tuesday Training Night (TTN)

Tuesday Training Night is a scheduled event that is designed to improve our individual and group fighting skills. These sessions may take place in one of the main arenas or in the Dueling Arena. Training Tuesdays are generally scheduled by the LCA Operational Commander when he feels a need for specialized training, or to prepare for an upcoming special event. They are not run every week.

Rook Mission-of-the-Month [MoM]

Missions-of-the-Month were created and introduced by the LCA on October 21, 2008. They have since been adopted by the BISHOP forces as well. The Knights have yet to adopt the idea but then again, they are the Knights so we're not holding our breath!

Missions-of-the-Month are organized in advance and are held on 'Titanic Tuesday' when the arena can admit all squads and all players. Missions are posted in the Mission Editor and all players present in the arena are invited to join. There is no registration or squad membership requirement. Missions typically begin 7:30-8:30PM eastern and last about an hour.

Thursday 'Squad Night'

Squad Night is our chance to clash with the enemy together as a unified group. It is also where we put into practice the skills learned in past Tuesday training sessions. 'Squad Night' is where the LCA operates as the LCA. Consequently, LCA members are expected to make a good faith effort to attend squad night and participate in squad-organized missions and operations. After all, that's why you joined the LCA, isn't it?

Friday Squad Operations (FSO)

Friday Squad Operations events are Squad based single life events setup around historical conflicts from 1938 to 1945 and in all theatres of operations: Western front, Eastern front, Mediterranean, North Africa, and the Pacific.

Squads are organized into two sides of the conflict, (Allied vs Axis) and compete against each other in a 3 week tour to execute their assigned orders and bring victory to their side.
To fly in Squad Operations you must be in a squad that has registered to participate in the event. You may fly as a guest in a squad but only for one tour. After that you are expected to join with a squad or bring in your own. FSO Events are usually 3 frames (or nights) in duration over the course of 3 consecutive Fridays. The fourth Friday is a day off to prepare for the next FSO Scenario. FSO events are held in the Special Events Arena at 11 PM Eastern.

View slideshow of a past FSO "Breaking the Line" here.

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