We are the Loose Cannons Alliance, a group of Aces High II
players who fly on the side of the Rooks. Unlike other squads, we
don't limit our operations to just LCA squad members. In fact, many
of our regulars are members of other squads who want to be a part
of a group effort on a more regular basis. We are mission oriented
and welcome other like-minded players to join with us!
If you're not in a squad and would like to become a tag-carrying
member of the LCA, let us know. If an LCA Squadron Commander believes
you would be an asset to his squad, he may invite you to join. We
do suggest, however, that you fly with us for a while before you
become a member to make sure that you enjoy our company and our
style of game play.
While we run missions, we're not overly obsessed with winning everytime.
That approach can get very frustrating and turn the game into a
headache provoking waste of time. We need to stay focused on what
this game is about. It's not about being an über pilot, it's
really all about having a good time!
Missions We fly all kinds of missions
and use a variety of aircraft and vehicles. It's important to
note that we are not just about base capture...our focus is on
doing things that are fun and exciting!
For example, we might fly a mass of bombers to bomb an enemy's
headquarters or launch a group of fighters to intercept enemy
aircraft. Porking fields to eliminate enemy offensive capability
is another of our varied missions. Naturally, we also defend bases
that need a dedicated and disciplined force to fend off attackers.
We do vehicle missions too, resupply runs and anything else you
can think of. The key point here is that we do them together as
a team. Yet, despite all this diversity, base capture is at the
heart of our operations and the type we fly most often.
We don't always use the mission editor to create our missions.
At first we might, but after we've assembled a decent fighting
force we tend to stick together and continue taking bases and
performing other tasks as a group. Once we've assembled "the
horde" with some publically advertised missions, we organize
additional missions verbally using our mission vox channel. We
call these 'runway missions'.
Get Into the
Fight! So what are you waiting for?
We use channel 181 or 183 as our mission vox channel so finding
us is easy. Just tune in and sooner or later we'll be organizing
some missions that you can participate in. So, if you're a ROOK,
enjoy missions and want to fly with us, you're welcome to just
jump in on our mission VOX and get in on all the action.
Also, if you need help protecting a base or need additional forces
for a mission your squad is putting together, please give us a
holler too. If we're available, we're there to help! Nothing gets
us more excited than a good fight!